Featured Artist Favorites – Air (The French Band)
This week we get waist-deep into the Air album “Moon Safari” and here’s this weeks Featured Artist Favorites Top 15 for The …
The opinions contained herein are entirely our own, and if you disagree… well, then you are:
1. a liar
2. boring
This week we get waist-deep into the Air album “Moon Safari” and here’s this weeks Featured Artist Favorites Top 15 for The …
One day when playing “Rock Band 2” on my PS3 in 2008 the Silversun Pickups entered my world. It’s been part of it ever since.
The best song Hall & Oates never wrote. It has it all. Don’t act like you don’t like it.
I think Naomi knows what she’s doing. The joke is on everyone else.
Today’s video is a super-patriotic mind-blower with props, glee-club uniforms, and grown men and women finally acting on their dreams of high school drama club stardom. I give you: That’s America (To Me).
For today check out our own Dan Minard, aka Handsome Dan, perform his most popular video on YouTube (over 100,000 views!) with his original “Cowboy Song”.
The Top 15 Favorite Billy Joel songs of Dandy Classic. Not surprisingly ‘The Stranger’, the podcast topic of the week, is the most well-represented on here.
“If” by Janet Jackson is my jam! The second single from her sexually liberated ‘janet.’ 1993 this song was mash-up before it was a thing. It rocks AND you can dance your ass of to it.
For this week’s Guilty Pleasure we go back to the unforgettable “Rhythm of the Night” when DeBarge ruled the pop airwaves. Just watch the damn video and try not to sing along 🙂
This VHS gem from the early 90’s features the rudimentary talents of Jan Terri, a former limo driver from Chicago that was clearly forced into this. I’ve seen more energy on line at the DMV.